Selected: Fingerings

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Total 131 result(s):
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: ae01
Author: anonymus
Country: England
Year: 1800
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: ae02 (or+D#)
Author: anonymus
Country: England
Year: 1802
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: ale01
Author: Alexander, James
Country: England
Year: 1830
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOoO/o
Numeration: ale02.02
Author: Alexander, James
Country: England
Notes: in combination with C3'ale02.04' (ex. 11)
Year: 1830
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXXo/XXX
Numeration: ale02.03
Author: Alexander, James
Country: England
Notes: in combination with G#2'02.01' (ex.71)
Year: 1830
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: ale02.04
Author: Alexander, James
Country: England
Notes: in combination with G#2'02.01' (ex.74)
Year: 1830
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: ale02.01
Author: Alexander, James
Country: England
Year: 1830
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: bay
Author: Bayr, Georg
Country: Austria
Notes: Chromatische Tabelle für den ganzen Umfang der Kochschen G Flöte
Year: 1823
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: bea02
Author: Beale, John
Country: England
Year: 1820
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: bea01
Author: Beale, John
Country: England
Year: 1821
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: ber01
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Year: 1818
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: ber02
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Year: 1819
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: ber03
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Year: 1820
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX
Numeration: ber05.02
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: Pour les Flûtes françaises; pour les altérations en combinaison avec Sib (XXO/XXX)
Year: 1838
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: ber05.01
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Year: 1838
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: beren01
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: England
Year: 182.?
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: big
Author: Bigot, P.
Country: France
Year: 1829
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: bou
Author: Bousquet, N.
Country: France
Year: 1858
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: bre
Author: Bretonnière, V.
Country: France
Year: 1840
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: cog
Author: Coggins, Joseph
Country: England
Year: 1830
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: cor
Author: Cornette, Victor
Country: France
Year: 1855
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev22.01
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1846
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX
Numeration: dev22.02
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Notes: (ex. entre deux Sib dans un mouvement vite)
Year: 1846
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev21a
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1860?
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev23
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1855
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev06
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1807-12
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev14
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1830
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev13
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1826?
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev16
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1829-46
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev03
Author: Devienne, François
Country: Austria
Year: 1800
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: dre01.02
Author: Dressler, Raphael
Country: England
Notes: in preparation if descending to E2
Year: 1828
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dre01.01
Author: Dressler, Raphael
Country: England
Year: 1828
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dro.01
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: France
Year: 1827
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXoX/OOO/o
Numeration: dro.02
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: France
Year: 1827
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXoX/OXO/o
Numeration: dro.03
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: France
Year: 1827
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: droe.01
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: England
Notes: best fingering
Year: 1830
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX
Numeration: droe.06
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: England
Notes: between two Bb Bb2'droe.03' in dolce passages which require softness
Year: 1830
Note: A 2
Fingering: OXX/XXX
Numeration: droe.04
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: England
Notes: fictitious note, good or bad, according to the Flute
Year: 1830
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXoX/OXO/o
Numeration: droe.03
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: England
Notes: fictitious note, good or bad, according to the Flute
Year: 1830
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXoX/OOO/o
Numeration: droe.02
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: England
Notes: fictitious note, good or bad, according to the Flute; between two Bb Bb2'droe.01'
Year: 1830
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOX/o
Numeration: droe.05
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: England
Notes: in combination with G#2'droe.03'
Year: 1830
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: droit.01
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: Italy
Year: 1830
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXoX/OOO/o
Numeration: droit.02
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: Italy
Year: 1830
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXoX/OXO/o
Numeration: droit.03
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: Italy
Year: 1830
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: fah05.01
Author: Fahrbach, Joseph
Country: Austria
Year: 1864
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/X
Numeration: fah05.02
Author: Fahrbach, Joseph
Country: Austria
Year: 1864
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXXo/XXX
Numeration: fah05.03
Author: Fahrbach, Joseph
Country: Austria
Year: 1864
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: frö.01
Author: Fröhlich, Franz Joseph
Country: Germany
Year: 1811
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: frö.02
Author: Fröhlich, Franz Joseph
Country: Germany
Year: 1811
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: Für01.01
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Notes: besserer Griff
Year: 1825
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/X
Numeration: Für01.02
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Notes: im Adagio wie auch besonders bey aushaltenden Stellen sehr zu empfehlen
Year: 1825
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: Für02.01
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Notes: für den gewöhnlichen Gebrauch
Year: 1844
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXoX/OOO/o
Numeration: für02.02
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Notes: ist ein zweckmäßiger Hülfsgriff in Fällen, wie Bsp. 47, 56.
Year: 1844
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/X
Numeration: Für02.03
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Notes: sehr schön und vollklingend, und schmiegt sich einigen anderen Tönen wie cis No. 18 (C#1 'für2') und 26 (C#2 'für02.08'), gis No 93 (G#2 'für02.04'), und f No 67a (F3 'für02.06'), vorzüglich gut an. Bsp...
Year: 1844
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: gal
Country: Italy
Notes: -
Year: 1891
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: gat
Author: Gattermann, Philippe
Country: France
Year: 1851
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: gun
Author: Gunn, John
Country: England
Year: 1793
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: hug01
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: France
Year: 1804
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd07
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1807
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd17
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1848
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd08
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1817
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd11
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1820
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd20
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1856
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd01
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1810
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugit
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Italy
Year: 1804? or later
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: kas
Author: Kastner, Jean Georges
Country: France
Year: 1844
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: kei
Author: Keith, Robert William
Country: England
Year: 1816
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: kum02.01
Author: Kummer, Caspar
Country: Germany
Year: 1850
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: kum02.02
Author: Kummer, Caspar
Country: Germany
Year: 1850
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXoX/XOO/o
Numeration: kum02.03
Author: Kummer, Caspar
Country: Germany
Year: 1850
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: kuf
Author: Kuffner,
Country: England
Year: 1820
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: lin
Author: Lindsay, Thomas
Country: England
Year: 1828
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: mon01
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Year: 1801
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: mon02.03
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: fingering to render difficult Passages easy.; in combination with Bb or C#3'mon02.05'
Year: 1820
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXXo/XXX
Numeration: mon02.02
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: fingering to render difficult Passages easy.; in combination with G# - The G with the D.Key shut likewise(?) (ex.15)
Year: 1820
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: mon02.01
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: Open the long F key when played slow.
Year: 1820
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: mon03.03
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: fingering to render difficult Passages easy.; in combination with Bb or C#3'mon03.05'
Year: 1820 or later?
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXXo/XXX
Numeration: mon03.02
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: fingering to render difficult Passages easy.; in combination with G# - The G with the D.Key shut likewise(?) (ex.15)
Year: 1820 or later?
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: mon03.01
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: Open the long F key when played slow.
Year: 1820 or later?
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: mül.01
Author: Müller, August Eberhard
Country: Germany
Year: 1815
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: mül.02
Author: Müller, August Eberhard
Country: Germany
Year: 1815
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: nad
Author: Nadaud, L.
Country: France
Year: 1841
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: nic01
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1816
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: nic02
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1816
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX
Numeration: nic03.02
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Notes: for a turn C-Bb (XXO/XXX/o)-A-Bb
Year: 1821
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: nic03.03
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Notes: in combination with G#2'nic03.01'
Year: 1821
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: nic03.01
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1821
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXX/XXX
Numeration: nic04.03
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Notes: harmonic of D
Year: 1836
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX
Numeration: nic04.02
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Notes: This fingering has a beautiful effect when the note intervens between Bb and G, but should not be adopted when a passage or melody terminates on the note.
Year: 1836
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: nic04.01
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1836
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: nic05
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1850
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: berit02.01
Author: Berbiguier
Country: Italy
Year: 1850
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXoX/OOO/o
Numeration: berit02.02
Author: Berbiguier
Country: Italy
Year: 1850
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: soufr
Author: Soussman, Henri
Country: France
Year: 1850
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: teg
Author: Tegg, Thomas
Country: England
Year: 1800
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: tho
Author: Thompson,
Country: England
Year: 1790
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX
Numeration: tul01.02
Author: Tulou, Jean Louis
Country: France
Notes: note sensible
Year: 1835
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: tul01.03
Author: Tulou, Jean Louis
Country: France
Notes: note sensible, pour passer di sib au si naturel at à l'ut naturel, soit en montant, soit en descendant
Year: 1835
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: tul01.01
Author: Tulou, Jean Louis
Country: France
Year: 1835
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: tul02
Author: Tulou, Jean Louis
Country: France
Notes: Il n'y a qu'un doigté pour faire la gamme chromatique.
Year: 1858
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: vai
Author: Vaillant, Pierre
Country: France
Year: 1826
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: wal
Author: Walckiers, Eugène
Country: France
Year: 1829
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX
Numeration: wei.02
Author: Weiss, Charles N
Country: England
Notes: This is to be taken as sensible Note of the key of Bb, altered, Ex...
Year: 1829
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: wei.01
Author: Weiss, Charles N
Country: England
Year: 1829
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: whe
Author: Wheatstone,
Country: England
Year: 1800
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: wra01
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1793
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: wra10
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1825
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: wra03
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1795
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: wra02
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1795
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: wra04
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1798
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: wra07
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1817
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: wra08
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1818
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: wra09
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1818
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: wun
Author: Wunderlich, Johann
Country: France
Year: 1812
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev08
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Notes: -
Year: 1813?
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: sey
Author: Seydler, Philip
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Year: 181.?
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: ber04
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: -
Year: 1836
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: beren02
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: England
Notes: -
Year: 1838
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: rib
Author: Ribock, Justus Johannes Heinrich
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Year: 1782
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: mar.01
Author: Marangoni
Country: Italy
Notes: -
Year: 1829
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXoX/OXO/o
Numeration: mar.02
Author: Marangoni
Country: Italy
Notes: on fingering chart of flute with C-foot
Year: 1829
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: Für00.01
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Notes: besser
Year: 1824
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/X
Numeration: Für00.02
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Notes: sehr im Adagio zu empfehlen
Year: 1824
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: zie.01
Author: Ziegler, Johann
Country: Austria
Year: 1850
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/X
Numeration: zie.02
Author: Ziegler, Johann
Country: Austria
Year: 1850
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: bow
Author: Bown, George Washington
Country: England
Notes: -
Year: 1825
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: sch
Author: Scholl, Carl
Country: Austria
Notes: -
Year: 1823
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: oel
Author: Oelschig, C.
Country: Germany
Notes: Die Dis Klappe kann zu den meisten Tönen genommen werden wodurch nicht allein viele derselben klangvoller werden, sondern woraus auch der Vortheil einer bessern Haltung der Flöte überhaupt entsteht.
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: boe
Author: Boehm & Greve
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Year: 1830
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: fah02.01
Author: Fahrbach, Joseph
Country: Austria
Year: 1835
Note: A 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/X
Numeration: fah02.02
Author: Fahrbach, Joseph
Country: Austria
Year: 1835