Selected: Fingerings

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Total 17 result(s):
Note: C/B# 2
Fingering: OXX/OOO
Numeration: ae01.03
Author: anonymus
Country: England
Year: 1800
Note: C/B# 2
Fingering: OXX/OOO
Numeration: ale02.04
Author: Alexander, James
Country: England
Notes: in combination with C1'ale02'-E2'ale02' when pp (ex. 8)
Year: 1830
Note: C/B# 2
Fingering: OXX/OOO
Numeration: cog.01
Author: Coggins, Joseph
Country: England
Year: 1830
Note: C/B# 2
Fingering: OXX/OOO
Numeration: dev03
Author: Devienne, François
Country: Austria
Year: 1800
Note: C/B# 2
Fingering: OXX/OOO
Numeration: dro.04 (or+D#)
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: France
Year: 1827
Note: C/B# 2
Fingering: OXX/OOO
Numeration: droe.04 (or+D#)
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: England
Notes: fictitious note, good or bad, according to the Flute; in combination with G
Year: 1830
Note: C/B# 2
Fingering: OXX/OOO
Numeration: droit.04 (or+D#)
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: Italy
Year: 1830
Note: C/B# 2
Fingering: OXX/OOO
Numeration: kei.02
Author: Keith, Robert William
Country: England
Year: 1816
Note: C/B# 2
Fingering: OXX/OOO
Numeration: kuf.03
Author: Kuffner,
Country: England
Year: 1820
Note: C/B# 2
Fingering: OXX/OOO
Numeration: mon01.02
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: useful
Year: 1801
Note: C/B# 2
Fingering: OXX/OOO
Numeration: wra01.02
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1793
Note: C/B# 2
Fingering: OXX/OOO
Numeration: wra03.02
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1795
Note: C/B# 2
Fingering: OXX/OOO
Numeration: wra02.02
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1795
Note: C/B# 2
Fingering: OXX/OOO
Numeration: wun.01
Author: Wunderlich, Johann
Country: France
Year: 1812
Note: C/B# 2
Fingering: OXX/OOO
Numeration: sey.04
Author: Seydler, Philip
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Year: 181.?
Note: D 3
Fingering: OXX/OOO
Numeration: oel
Author: Oelschig, C.
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Note: C/B# 2
Fingering: OXX/OOO
Numeration: oel.01
Author: Oelschig, C.
Country: Germany
Notes: Die Dis Klappe kann zu den meisten Tönen genommen werden wodurch nicht allein viele derselben klangvoller werden, sondern woraus auch der Vortheil einer bessern Haltung der Flöte überhaupt entsteht.