Item | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: ae01 Author: anonymus Country: England Notes: Year: 1800 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: ae02 Author: anonymus Country: England Notes: Year: 1802 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: ale02 Author: Alexander, James Country: England Notes: Year: 1830 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: bay Author: Bayr, Georg Country: Austria Notes: Chromatische Tabelle für den ganzen Umfang der Kochschen G Flöte Year: 1823 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: bea01 Author: Beale, John Country: England Notes: Year: 1821 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: ber03 Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille Country: France Notes: Year: 1820 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: ber05 Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille Country: France Notes: Year: 1838 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: beren01 Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille Country: England Notes: Year: 182.? | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: bre Author: Bretonnière, V. Country: France Notes: Year: 1840 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: cog Author: Coggins, Joseph Country: England Notes: Year: 1830 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: dev23 (mist.) Author: Devienne, François Country: France Notes: Year: 1855 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: dev16 Author: Devienne, François Country: France Notes: Year: 1829-46 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: dre01 Author: Dressler, Raphael Country: England Notes: Year: 1828 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: dro Author: Drouët, Louis Country: France Notes: Year: 1827 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: droe Author: Drouët, Louis Country: England Notes: Year: 1830 | |
Note: C/B# 2 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: droe.08 Author: Drouët, Louis Country: England Notes: fictitious note, good or bad, according to the Flute; in octaves Year: 1830 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: droit Author: Drouët, Louis Country: Italy Notes: Year: 1830 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: fah05 Author: Fahrbach, Joseph Country: Austria Notes: Year: 1864 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: für01 Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard Country: Germany Notes: Year: 1825 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: für02 Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard Country: Germany Notes: Year: 1844 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: gal Author: Country: Italy Notes: - Year: 1891 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: gun Author: Gunn, John Country: England Notes: Year: 1793 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: hugd17 Author: Hugot, Antoine Country: Germany Notes: Year: 1848 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: hugd11 Author: Hugot, Antoine Country: Germany Notes: Year: 1820 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: hugd20 Author: Hugot, Antoine Country: Germany Notes: Year: 1856 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: kas Author: Kastner, Jean Georges Country: France Notes: Year: 1844 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: kei Author: Keith, Robert William Country: England Notes: Year: 1816 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: kum02 Author: Kummer, Caspar Country: Germany Notes: Year: 1850 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: kuf Author: Kuffner, Country: England Notes: Directions for the Patent German Flute. With additional keys.Manufactured by Whitaker and Comp.y . FK Year: 1820 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: lin Author: Lindsay, Thomas Country: England Notes: Year: 1828 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: mon01 Author: Monzani, Tebaldo Country: England Notes: Year: 1801 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: mon02 Author: Monzani, Tebaldo Country: England Notes: Year: 1820 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: mon03 Author: Monzani, Tebaldo Country: England Notes: Year: 1820 or later? | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: mül Author: Müller, August Eberhard Country: Germany Notes: Year: 1815 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: nad Author: Nadaud, L. Country: France Notes: Year: 1841 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: nic01 Author: Nicholson, Charles Country: England Notes: Year: 1816 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: nic02 Author: Nicholson, Charles Country: England Notes: Year: 1816 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: nic03 Author: Nicholson, Charles Country: England Notes: Year: 1821 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: nic04 Author: Nicholson, Charles Country: England Notes: Year: 1836 | |
Note: G 2 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: nic04.03 Author: Nicholson, Charles Country: England Notes: harmonic of C Year: 1836 | |
Note: G 3 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: nic04.03 Author: Nicholson, Charles Country: England Notes: harmonic of C, seldom used except in a shake to A, produced by shaking the C keys, which on all flutes will be found difficult. Year: 1836 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: nic05 Author: Nicholson, Charles Country: England Notes: Year: 1850 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: berit02 Author: Berbiguier Country: Italy Notes: Year: 1850 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: soufr Author: Soussman, Henri Country: France Notes: Year: 1850 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: teg Author: Tegg, Thomas Country: England Notes: Year: 1800 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: tho Author: Thompson, Country: England Notes: Year: 1790 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: tul01 Author: Tulou, Jean Louis Country: France Notes: Year: 1835 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: wal Author: Walckiers, Eugène Country: France Notes: Year: 1829 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: wei Author: Weiss, Charles N Country: England Notes: Year: 1829 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: whe Author: Wheatstone, Country: England Notes: Year: 1800 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: wra01 Author: Wragg, J. Country: England Notes: Year: 1793 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: wra10 Author: Wragg, J. Country: England Notes: Year: 1825 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: wra03 Author: Wragg, J. Country: England Notes: Year: 1795 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: wra02 Author: Wragg, J. Country: England Notes: Year: 1795 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: wra04 Author: Wragg, J. Country: England Notes: Year: 1798 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: wra05 Author: Wragg, J. Country: England Notes: Year: 1806 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: wra06 Author: Wragg, J. Country: England Notes: Year: 1809 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: wra07 Author: Wragg, J. Country: England Notes: Year: 1817 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: wra08 Author: Wragg, J. Country: England Notes: Year: 1818 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: wra09 Author: Wragg, J. Country: England Notes: Year: 1818 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: sey Author: Seydler, Philip Country: Germany Notes: - Year: 181.? | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: ber04 Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille Country: Frabce Notes: - Year: 1836 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: beren02 Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille Country: England Notes: - Year: 1838 | |
Note: C 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: mar Author: Marangoni Country: Italy Notes: - Year: 1829 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: Für00 Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard Country: Germany Notes: - Year: 1824 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: zie Author: Ziegler, Johann Country: Austria Notes: Year: 1850 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: bow Author: Bown, George Washington Country: England Notes: - Year: 1825 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: sch Author: Scholl, Carl Country: Austria Notes: - Year: 1823 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: arn Author: Arnold, Samuel Country: England Notes: - Year: 1787 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: cah Author: Cahusac, William Maurice Country: England Notes: - Year: 1765 c | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: oel Author: Oelschig, C. Country: Germany Notes: - Year: | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: boe Author: Boehm & Greve Country: Germany Notes: - Year: 1830 | |
Note: C/B# 1 Fingering: XXX/XXX/XX Numeration: fah02 Author: Fahrbach, Joseph Country: Austria Notes: Year: 1835 |