Selected: Fingerings

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Total 108 result(s):
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: ae01
Author: anonymus
Country: England
Year: 1800
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: ae02 (or+D#)
Author: anonymus
Country: England
Year: 1802
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: ale01
Author: Alexander, James
Country: England
Year: 1830
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: ale02
Author: Alexander, James
Country: England
Year: 1830
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: bay
Author: Bayr, Georg
Country: Austria
Notes: Chromatische Tabelle für den ganzen Umfang der Kochschen G Flöte
Year: 1823
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: bea02
Author: Beale, John
Country: England
Year: 1820
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: bea01
Author: Beale, John
Country: England
Year: 1821
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: ber01
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Year: 1818
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: ber02
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Year: 1819
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: ber03
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Year: 1820
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: ber05
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Year: 1838
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: beren01
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: England
Year: 182.?
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: big
Author: Bigot, P.
Country: France
Year: 1829
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: bou
Author: Bousquet, N.
Country: France
Year: 1858
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: bre.01
Author: Bretonnière, V.
Country: France
Year: 1840
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXoX/OOO
Numeration: bre.02
Author: Bretonnière, V.
Country: France
Year: 1840
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: cog
Author: Coggins, Joseph
Country: England
Year: 1830
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: cor
Author: Cornette, Victor
Country: France
Year: 1855
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev22
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1846
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev21a
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1860?
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev23
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1855
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev06
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1807-12
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev14
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1830
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev13
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1826?
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev16
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1829-46
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev03
Author: Devienne, François
Country: Austria
Year: 1800
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: dre01.02
Author: Dressler, Raphael
Country: England
Notes: in preparation if descending to E1
Year: 1828
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dre01.01
Author: Dressler, Raphael
Country: England
Year: 1828
Note: A 1
Fingering: XOX/XXX
Numeration: dro.03 (or+D#)
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: France
Notes: Le La doigté de cette manière sert pour le Trille Majeure en faisant battre le deuxième doigt de la main droite.
Year: 1827
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dro.01
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: France
Year: 1827
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXoX/OOO
Numeration: dro.02 (or+D#)
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: France
Year: 1827
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: droe
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: England
Notes: best fingering
Year: 1830
Note: A 1
Fingering: XOX/XXX
Numeration: droe.03 (or+D#)
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: England
Notes: fictitious note, good or bad, according to the Flute
Year: 1830
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXoX/OOO
Numeration: droe.02 (or+D#)
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: England
Notes: fictitious note, good or bad, according to the Flute; between two Bb Bb1'droe.01'
Year: 1830
Note: A 1
Fingering: XOX/XXX
Numeration: droit.03 (or+D#)
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: Italy
Notes: Il La digitato in questo modo serve ancora alle persone che suonano il Flauto ad'una chiave, per formare il Trillo minore che si ottiene facendo battere il seconde dito della mano destra.
Year: 1830
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: droit.01
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: Italy
Year: 1830
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXoX/OOO
Numeration: droit.02 (or+D#)
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: Italy
Year: 1830
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: fah05
Author: Fahrbach, Joseph
Country: Austria
Year: 1864
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: Frö
Author: Fröhlich, Franz Joseph
Country: Germany
Notes: so heller als mit dis Klappe
Year: 1811
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: für01
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Year: 1825
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: für02
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Year: 1844
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: gal
Country: Italy
Notes: -
Year: 1891
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: gat
Author: Gattermann, Philippe
Country: France
Year: 1851
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: gun
Author: Gunn, John
Country: England
Year: 1793
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: hug01
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: France
Year: 1804
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd07
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1807
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd17
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1848
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd08
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1817
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd11
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1820
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd20
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1856
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd01
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1810
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugit
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Italy
Year: 1804? or later
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: kas
Author: Kastner, Jean Georges
Country: France
Year: 1844
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: kei
Author: Keith, Robert William
Country: England
Year: 1816
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: kei
Author: Keith, Robert William
Country: England
Year: 1816
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: kum02.01
Author: Kummer, Caspar
Country: Germany
Year: 1850
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: kum02.02
Author: Kummer, Caspar
Country: Germany
Year: 1850
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: kuf
Author: Kuffner,
Country: England
Year: 1820
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: lin
Author: Lindsay, Thomas
Country: England
Notes: When the passage is sufficiently slow to admit of it, the F key may be opened for the lower and middle F#,G, and A: this decidly improves the F#, and for the G and A, gives the performer a more firm hold of the Flute. This remark will apply to all other Keys.
Year: 1828
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: mon01
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Year: 1801
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: mon02.02
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: fingering to render difficult Passages easy.; in combination with Bb
Year: 1820
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: mon02.01
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: Open the long F key when played slow.
Year: 1820
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: mon03.02
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: fingering to render difficult Passages easy.; in combination with Bb
Year: 1820 or later?
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: mon03.01
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: Open the long F key when played slow.
Year: 1820 or later?
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: mül.02
Author: Müller, August Eberhard
Country: Germany
Notes: etwas heller, gern im langsamen Spiele, leicht zu hoch
Year: 1815
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: mül.01
Author: Müller, August Eberhard
Country: Germany
Year: 1815
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: nad
Author: Nadaud, L.
Country: France
Year: 1841
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: nic01
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1816
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: nic02
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1816
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: nic03.01
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Notes: The note will be very much improved when you have the opportunity of dwelling upon them by keeping up the F key, which will also strengthen your hold of the Flute.
Year: 1821
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOoO/o
Numeration: nic03.02
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Notes: The note will be very much improved when you have the opportunity of dwelling upon them by keeping up the F key, which will also strengthen your hold of the Flute.
Year: 1821
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: nic04.01
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1836
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXoX/OOO
Numeration: nic04.02
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1836
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: nic05
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1850
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: berit02
Author: Berbiguier
Country: Italy
Year: 1850
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: soufr
Author: Soussman, Henri
Country: France
Year: 1850
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: teg
Author: Tegg, Thomas
Country: England
Year: 1800
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: tho
Author: Thompson,
Country: England
Year: 1790
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: tul01
Author: Tulou, Jean Louis
Country: France
Year: 1835
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: tul02
Author: Tulou, Jean Louis
Country: France
Notes: Il n'y a qu'un doigté pour faire la gamme chromatique.
Year: 1858
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: vai
Author: Vaillant, Pierre
Country: France
Year: 1826
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: wal
Author: Walckiers, Eugène
Country: France
Year: 1829
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: wei
Author: Weiss, Charles N
Country: England
Year: 1829
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: whe
Author: Wheatstone,
Country: England
Year: 1800
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: wra01
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1793
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: wra10
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1825
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: wra03
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1795
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: wra02
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1795
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: wra04
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1798
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: wra07
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1817
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: wra08
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1818
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: wra09
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1818
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: wun
Author: Wunderlich, Johann
Country: France
Year: 1812
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev08
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Notes: -
Year: 1813?
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: sey
Author: Seydler, Philip
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Year: 181.?
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: ber04
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: -
Year: 1836
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: beren02
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: England
Notes: -
Year: 1838
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: rib
Author: Ribock, Justus Johannes Heinrich
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Year: 1782
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: mar.01
Author: Marangoni
Country: Italy
Notes: -
Year: 1829
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXoX/OOO/o
Numeration: mar.02
Author: Marangoni
Country: Italy
Notes: on fingering chart of flute with C-foot
Year: 1829
Note: A 1
Fingering: XOX/XXX/o
Numeration: mar.03
Author: Marangoni
Country: Italy
Notes: on fingering chart of flute with C-foot
Year: 1829
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: Für00
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Year: 1824
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: zie
Author: Ziegler, Johann
Country: Austria
Year: 1850
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: bow
Author: Bown, George Washington
Country: England
Notes: -
Year: 1825
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: sch
Author: Scholl, Carl
Country: Austria
Notes: -
Year: 1823
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO
Numeration: oel
Author: Oelschig, C.
Country: Germany
Notes: Die Dis Klappe kann zu den meisten Tönen genommen werden wodurch nicht allein viele derselben klangvoller werden, sondern woraus auch der Vortheil einer bessern Haltung der Flöte überhaupt entsteht.
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: boe
Author: Boehm & Greve
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Year: 1830
Note: A 1
Fingering: XXO/OOO/o
Numeration: fah02
Author: Fahrbach, Joseph
Country: Austria
Year: 1835