Selected: Fingerings

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Total 238 result(s):
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO
Numeration: ae01
Author: anonymus
Country: England
Year: 1800
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: ae01
Author: anonymus
Country: England
Year: 1800
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: ae02
Author: anonymus
Country: England
Year: 1802
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: ale01.02
Author: Alexander, James
Country: England
Notes: for a one keyed flute
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: ale01.01
Author: Alexander, James
Country: England
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: ale01.03
Author: Alexander, James
Country: England
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: ale02.01
Author: Alexander, James
Country: England
Notes: (ex. 78)
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: ale02.02
Author: Alexander, James
Country: England
Notes: for a one keyed flute; in combination with G2'ale02' (ex. 32) or B2'ale02.01' (ex. 61)
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: ale02.03
Author: Alexander, James
Country: England
Notes: in combination with C3'ale02.01' (ex. 50)
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXXo/XXX/o
Numeration: ale02.04
Author: Alexander, James
Country: England
Notes: in combination with G#2'ale02.01' (ex. 36)
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: bay.02
Author: Bayr, Georg
Country: Austria
Notes: Chromatische Tabelle für den ganzen Umfang der Kochschen G Flöte
Year: 1823
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: bay.01
Author: Bayr, Georg
Country: Austria
Notes: Chromatische Tabelle für den ganzen Umfang der Kochschen G Flöte
Year: 1823
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: bea02.01
Author: Beale, John
Country: England
Year: 1820
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: bea02.02
Author: Beale, John
Country: England
Year: 1820
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: bea02.03
Author: Beale, John
Country: England
Year: 1820
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: bea01.01
Author: Beale, John
Country: England
Year: 1821
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: bea01.02
Author: Beale, John
Country: England
Year: 1821
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: bea01.03
Author: Beale, John
Country: England
Year: 1821
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: ber01.03
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: excellent comme Sib surtout dans les SONS filés et lorsqu'il faut enfler ou diminuer.
Year: 1818
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: ber01.02
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: moins bon, et dans les cas ou en s'en servira on ne doit l'employer que comme LA#, jamais comme Sib, ce doigté offre quelque facilité dans certains traits. ex...
Year: 1818
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: ber01.01
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: parfaitement juste
Year: 1818
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: ber02.03
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: Ist vortrefflich für B, besonders in gezogenen Tönen und für das Anschwellen und Abnemen des Tones; etwas zu tief; bei stufenweise fortschreitenden Stellen, wenn Schwierigkeit der Anwendung von No.2 (Bb2'ber02.02') entgegen ist.
Year: 1819
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: ber02.01
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: vollkommen rein
Year: 1819
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: ber02.02
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: weniger gut, und man kann sich dessen (wo man ihn anwendet) nur für das Ais, niemals für B, bedienen; sie hat für gewisse Stellen manche Schwierigkeiten.
Year: 1819
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: ber03.03
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: excellent comme Sib, surtout dans les SONS filés, et lorsqu'il faut enfler ou diminuer.
Year: 1820
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: ber03.02
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: moins bon, et dans le cas où l'on se servira on ne doit l'employer que comme LA#, jamais comme Sib, ce doigté offre quelque facilité dans certains traits.
Year: 1820
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: ber03.01
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: parfaitement juste
Year: 1820
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO
Numeration: ber05.02 (or+D#)
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: Ces differents doigtés ne doivent êtres employés que dans des cas d'exception ou ils peuvent faciliter certains passages, et favoriser la justesse des notes sensibles. On ne doit s'en servir qu'avec dicernement, et après avoir bien assuré l'embouchure sur les doigtés ordinaires.
Year: 1838
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: ber05.03
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: Ces differents doigtés ne doivent êtres employés que dans des cas d'exception ou ils peuvent faciliter certains passages, et favoriser la justesse des notes sensibles. On ne doit s'en servir qu'avec dicernement, et après avoir bien assuré l'embouchure sur les doigtés ordinaires.
Year: 1838
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: ber05.01
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: Doigté ordinaire
Year: 1838
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOoX/OOO/o
Numeration: ber05.04
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: Pour les Flûtes françaises; en combinaison avec lab (XXXo/OOO/o) dans la vitesse; ne levez pas trop le doigt, et ménagez bien le son.
Year: 1838
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: beren01.02
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: England
Year: 182.?
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: beren01.01
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: England
Year: 182.?
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: big
Author: Bigot, P.
Country: France
Year: 1829
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: bou
Author: Bousquet, N.
Country: France
Year: 1858
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: bre.03
Author: Bretonnière, V.
Country: France
Notes: est beau comme Sib dans les Soutenues.
Year: 1840
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: bre.02
Author: Bretonnière, V.
Country: France
Notes: La# ou Sib. Le 1er doigté (Bb2'bre.01') comme La# ou Sib est très juste, le 2me (Bb2'bre.02') est moins bon et ne doit ètre employé que pour La#, il offre quelques facilitées dans certains traits.
Year: 1840
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: bre.01
Author: Bretonnière, V.
Country: France
Notes: La# ou Sib. Le 1er doigté (Bb2'bre.01') comme La# ou Sib est très juste, le 2me (Bb2'bre.02') est moins bon et ne doit ètre employé que pour La#, il offre quelques facilitées dans certains traits.
Year: 1840
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: cog.01
Author: Coggins, Joseph
Country: England
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: cog.02
Author: Coggins, Joseph
Country: England
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: cor.02 (Bb)
Author: Cornette, Victor
Country: France
Year: 1855
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: dev22.02
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1846
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev22.01
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1846
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: dev21a.02
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Notes: (J) La# ou Sib. Le 1er doigté comme La# ou Sib est très juste, le 2me est moins bon et ne doit servir que pour La#, il offre quelques facilités dans certains passages. Le doigter Nr 3 est bon pour le sib dans les sons soutenues.
Year: 1860?
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: dev21a.03
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Notes: (J) La# ou Sib. Le 1er doigté comme La# ou Sib est très juste, le 2me est moins bon et ne doit servir que pour La#, il offre quelques facilités dans certains passages. Le doigter Nr 3 est bon pour le sib dans les sons soutenues.
Year: 1860?
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev21a.01
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Notes: (J) La# ou Sib. Le 1er doigté comme La# ou Sib est très juste, le 2me est moins bon et ne doit servir que pour La#, il offre quelques facilités dans certains passages. Le doigter Nr 3 est bon pour le sib dans les sons soutenues.
Year: 1860?
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: dev23.03
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Notes: bien pour la passage Eb-G-Bb-G-Es
Year: 1855
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: dev23.02
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1855
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO
Numeration: (dev23.01)
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1855
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev23.01
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1855
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: dev06.02
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Notes: bien pour la passage Eb-G-Bb-G-Eb
Year: 1807-12
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev06.01
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1807-12
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev14
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: dev13.03
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Notes: est beau comme Sib dans les Soutenues.
Year: 1826?
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: dev13.02
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Notes: J: La# ou Sib. Le 1er doigté (Bb2'dev13.01') comme La# ou Sib est très juste, le 2me (Bb2'dev13.02') est moins bon et ne doit ètre employé que pour La#, il offre quelques facilitées dans certains traits.
Year: 1826?
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev13.01
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Notes: J: La# ou Sib. Le 1er doigté (Bb2'dev13.01') comme La# ou Sib est très juste, le 2me (Bb2'dev13.02') est moins bon et ne doit ètre employé que pour La#, il offre quelques facilitées dans certains traits.
Year: 1826?
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: dev16.02
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Notes: bien pour la passage eb-g-Bb-g-eb
Year: 1829-46
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev16.01
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Year: 1829-46
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOO/OOO/O
Numeration: dev03.02
Author: Devienne, François
Country: Austria
Notes: gut in Verbindung mit E'' - G'' – B'' – G'' – E''
Year: 1800
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev03.01
Author: Devienne, François
Country: Austria
Year: 1800
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: dre01.03 (A#)
Author: Dressler, Raphael
Country: England
Notes: if A# between B2 'dre01.01'
Year: 1828
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XoXXo/OOO/o
Numeration: dre01.02
Author: Dressler, Raphael
Country: England
Year: 1828
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: dre01
Author: Dressler, Raphael
Country: England
Year: 1828
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOoO
Numeration: dro.02 (or+D#, or-f)
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: France
Year: 1827
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: dro.03
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: France
Year: 1827
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: dro.01
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: France
Year: 1827
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: droe.01
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: England
Notes: best fingering
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOoO
Numeration: droe.03 (or+D#)
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: England
Notes: fictitious note, good or bad, according to the Flute
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: droe.04
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: England
Notes: fictitious note, good or bad, according to the Flute
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO
Numeration: droe.02 (or+D#)
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: England
Notes: fictitious note, good or bad, according to the Flute; in combination with B2 or G3
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOoO
Numeration: droit.02 (or+D#, or-F)
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: Italy
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: droit.03
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: Italy
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: droit.01
Author: Drouët, Louis
Country: Italy
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: fah05.02
Author: Fahrbach, Joseph
Country: Austria
Year: 1864
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/XXXX
Numeration: fah05.03
Author: Fahrbach, Joseph
Country: Austria
Year: 1864
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: fah05.01
Author: Fahrbach, Joseph
Country: Austria
Year: 1864
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: Frö.01 (A#)
Author: Fröhlich, Franz Joseph
Country: Germany
Year: 1811
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: frö.02 (Bb)
Author: Fröhlich, Franz Joseph
Country: Germany
Year: 1811
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: Für01.01
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Notes: besserer Griff, im Adagio wie auch besonders bey aushaltenden Stellen sehr zu empfehlen
Year: 1825
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: Für01.02
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Year: 1825
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: Für01.03
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Year: 1825
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: für02.04
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Notes: Dieser Gabel=Griff gibt zwar keinen sehr schönen Ton, doch ist er in manchen Fällen sehr nützlich und bequem. Bsp...
Year: 1844
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: Für02.01
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Notes: No. 109 (B'b' 'für02.01') und No. 111 (Bb'' 'für02.03) muss man sich für den gewöhnlichen Gebrauch gleich geläufig zu machen suchen, und zwar No. 109 (Bb'' 'für02.01') bei Gesangstellen (s. § 49 das dort über gedeckte Töne Gesagte), dagegen No. 111 (Bb'' 'für02.03') bei Bravour= und überhaupt schnellen Passagen benutzen. Über Beispiele und Anwendung beider Griffe geben die Beispiele und Übungen zu vorliegendem Werke hinlängliche Belehrung.
Year: 1844
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: Für02.03
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Notes: No. 109 (B'b' 'für02.01') und No. 111 (Bb'' 'für02.03) muss man sich für den gewöhnlichen Gebrauch gleich geläufig zu machen suchen, und zwar No. 109 (Bb'' 'für02.01') bei Gesangstellen (s. § 49 das dort über gedeckte Töne Gesagte), dagegen No. 111 (Bb'' 'für02.03') bei Bravour= und überhaupt schnellen Passagen benutzen. Über Beispiele und Anwendung beider Griffe geben die Beispiele und Übungen zu vorliegendem Werke hinlängliche Belehrung.
Year: 1844
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXX/XXX/o
Numeration: für02.02
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Notes: von sehr sanftem, schönem Klange, und schmiegt sich dem h No. 119 (B2 'für02.01') vortrefflich an.
Year: 1844
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: Gal.01
Country: Italy
Notes: -
Year: 1891
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: Gal.02
Country: Italy
Notes: -
Year: 1891
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOX/X
Numeration: Gal.03
Country: Italy
Notes: -
Year: 1891
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: gat
Author: Gattermann, Philippe
Country: France
Year: 1851
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: gun.01
Author: Gunn, John
Country: England
Year: 1793
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: gun.02
Author: Gunn, John
Country: England
Year: 1793
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: gun.03
Author: Gunn, John
Country: England
Year: 1793
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO
Numeration: hug01.20 (Bb)
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: France
Year: 1804
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: hug01.10 (A#)
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: France
Year: 1804
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO
Numeration: hugd07.02 (Bb)
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1807
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd07.01 (A#)
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1807
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd17.01
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Notes: Bei Wechselnoten b-a-b, Terzsprüngen es-g-b; vor allem bei Chromatik,Octavengängen
Year: 1848
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd17.03
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1848
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: hugd17.02
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1848
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd08
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1817
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd11.01 (A#)
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Notes: Ais; Bei Wechselnoten b-a-b, Terzsprüngen es-g-b; vor allem bei Chromatik,Octavengängen
Year: 1820
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO
Numeration: hugd11.02 (Bb)
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Notes: B; Bei Wechselnoten b-a-b, Terzsprüngen es-g-b; vor allem bei Chromatik,Octavengängen
Year: 1820
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: hugd20.02
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Notes: im Adagio empfehlenswert
Year: 1856
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd20.01
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1856
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: hugd01
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Germany
Year: 1810
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO
Numeration: hugit.02 (Bb)
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Italy
Year: 1804? or later
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: Hugit.01 (A#)
Author: Hugot, Antoine
Country: Italy
Year: 1804? or later
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: kas
Author: Kastner, Jean Georges
Country: France
Year: 1844
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO
Numeration: kei.01 (or+D#)
Author: Keith, Robert William
Country: England
Year: 1816
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: kei.02
Author: Keith, Robert William
Country: England
Year: 1816
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO
Numeration: kei.03 (or+D#)
Author: Keith, Robert William
Country: England
Year: 1816
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/XOO
Numeration: kum02.03
Author: Kummer, Caspar
Country: Germany
Year: 1850
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/XOO/o
Numeration: kum02.04
Author: Kummer, Caspar
Country: Germany
Year: 1850
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: kum02.05
Author: Kummer, Caspar
Country: Germany
Year: 1850
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO
Numeration: kum02.01
Author: Kummer, Caspar
Country: Germany
Year: 1850
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: kum02.02
Author: Kummer, Caspar
Country: Germany
Year: 1850
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: kuf.03
Author: Kuffner,
Country: England
Notes: Directions for the Patent German Flute. With additional keys.Manufactured by Whitaker and Comp.y . FK
Year: 1820
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: kuf.01
Author: Kuffner,
Country: England
Year: 1820
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: kuf.02
Author: Kuffner,
Country: England
Year: 1820
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: lin.02
Author: Lindsay, Thomas
Country: England
Notes: A remarkably fine note, is eligible where a bold, resolute and vigorous style is aimed at, or where pathos is wished; is easier in the descending Scale, since, after playing C, it requires the movement of one finger only; it also facilitates the ascending Glide, where this B is the note glided to.
Year: 1828
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: OXXo/XOoO
Numeration: lin.03
Author: Lindsay, Thomas
Country: England
Notes: in combination with B3'lin.01'
Year: 1828
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: OXOo/XOO
Numeration: lin.04
Author: Lindsay, Thomas
Country: England
Notes: in combination with B3'lin.02'
Year: 1828
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXXo/XXX/o
Numeration: lin.07
Author: Lindsay, Thomas
Country: England
Notes: in fast passages combined with A flat (key)
Year: 1828
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/XXX/o
Numeration: lin.05
Author: Lindsay, Thomas
Country: England
Notes: in fast passages combined with E flat
Year: 1828
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: lin.06
Author: Lindsay, Thomas
Country: England
Notes: in fast passages combined with G
Year: 1828
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: lin.01
Author: Lindsay, Thomas
Country: England
Notes: is most frequently used
Year: 1828
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: mon01.01
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: best (A sharp), good (B flat)
Year: 1801
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: mon01.02
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: used (A sharp), best (B flat)
Year: 1801
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: mon01.03
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: useful
Year: 1801
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: mon02.01
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: (ex.56) (ex.72)
Year: 1820
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXXo/XXX/o
Numeration: mon02.02
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: fingering to render difficult Passages easy.; in combination with Ab (ex.13) or C3'mon02.08' (ex.29)
Year: 1820
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XoXXo/OOO/o
Numeration: mon02.03
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: fingering to render difficult Passages easy.; in combination with Ab (ex.57)
Year: 1820
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: mon02.04
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: fingering to render difficult Passages easy.; in combination with B (ex.58) or F#3'mon02.01' (ex.59) or G (ex.73)
Year: 1820
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: mon03.01
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: (ex.56) (ex.72)
Year: 1820 or later?
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXXo/XXX/o
Numeration: mon03.02
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: fingering to render difficult Passages easy.; in combination with Ab (ex.13) or C3'mon03.08' (ex.29)
Year: 1820 or later?
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XoXXo/OOO/o
Numeration: mon03.03
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: fingering to render difficult Passages easy.; in combination with Ab (ex.57)
Year: 1820 or later?
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: mon03.04
Author: Monzani, Tebaldo
Country: England
Notes: fingering to render difficult Passages easy.; in combination with B (ex.58) or F#3'mon03.01' (ex.59) or G (ex.73)
Year: 1820 or later?
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: mül
Author: Müller, August Eberhard
Country: Germany
Year: 1815
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: nad
Author: Nadaud, L.
Country: France
Year: 1841
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: nic01
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1816
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: nic02.02
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Notes: not clear, in combination with E3'nic02.03'-B2'nic02.04'
Year: 1816
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: nic02.01
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1816
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: nic03.05 (Bb)
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Notes: if followed or preceded by C2'nic03.01'
Year: 1821
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: nic03.01
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Notes: The middle Bb in the keys of F and Bb has a beautiful effect when fingered thus ..ex..; particularly when followed by A, which must be fingered in the same way, only that the D# key must be down. This mode of fingering tha Bb and A is strongly recommended to the Pupil's attention, especially in Slow and Pathetic Music, where it has the happiest effect.
Year: 1821
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: nic03.03
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1821
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: nic03.02
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1821
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: nic03.02
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1821
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoOo/OOoO/o
Numeration: Nic03.04 (A#)
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1821
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: nic04.02
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Notes: This fingering ought to be as much practised as 'nic04.01', it is in constant requisition in the keays of F and Bb: the tone produced by it is beautiful, and at the same time many difficulties are surmonted. In descending from C, put the first finger of the left hand down, and the note is at once produced; and then by removing the little finger from the D# key, you have A2 'nic02.02'.
Year: 1836
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: nic04.01
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1836
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXX/XXX/o
Numeration: nic04.03
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1836
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: nic05
Author: Nicholson, Charles
Country: England
Year: 1850
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: berit02.01
Author: Berbiguier
Country: Italy
Year: 1850
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: berit02.02
Author: Berbiguier
Country: Italy
Year: 1850
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: berit02.03
Author: Berbiguier
Country: Italy
Year: 1850
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: soufr.02
Author: Soussman, Henri
Country: France
Year: 1850
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: soufr.01
Author: Soussman, Henri
Country: France
Year: 1850
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: OOO/XXX/o
Numeration: teg.02 (mist.)
Author: Tegg, Thomas
Country: England
Year: 1800
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: OXO/OOO/o
Numeration: teg.01 (mist.)
Author: Tegg, Thomas
Country: England
Year: 1800
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: teg
Author: Tegg, Thomas
Country: England
Year: 1800
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO
Numeration: tho.01
Author: Thompson,
Country: England
Year: 1790
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/XXX
Numeration: tho.02
Author: Thompson,
Country: England
Year: 1790
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: tho.03
Author: Thompson,
Country: England
Year: 1790
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: tul01.02
Author: Tulou, Jean Louis
Country: France
Notes: de préférence dans le forte.
Year: 1835
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/XXX
Numeration: tul01.04
Author: Tulou, Jean Louis
Country: France
Notes: note sensible; ce doigté s'emploie lorsque le LA# se trouve entre deux SI naturels faits pas la 2e. Position (XOX/XXX/o)
Year: 1835
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: tul01.03
Author: Tulou, Jean Louis
Country: France
Notes: note sensible; On ne doit employer cette position que lorsque le LA# au dessus des lignes se trouve entre deux SI naturels; le LA# en bas se fait toujours avec la clef.
Year: 1835
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: tul01.01
Author: Tulou, Jean Louis
Country: France
Year: 1835
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: tul02
Author: Tulou, Jean Louis
Country: France
Notes: Il n'y a qu'un doigté pour faire la gamme chromatique.
Year: 1858
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: tul02
Author: Tulou, Jean Louis
Country: France
Notes: Chaque fois que le sib au-dessus des lignes n'est pas à côté d'un ut, qielque soit le dessin du passage, il faut se servir de la clef de sib; mais dans le cas contraire il faut le doigté simple.
Year: 1858
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: vai.03
Author: Vaillant, Pierre
Country: France
Year: 1826
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: vai.02
Author: Vaillant, Pierre
Country: France
Year: 1826
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: vai.01
Author: Vaillant, Pierre
Country: France
Year: 1826
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: wal.03
Author: Walckiers, Eugène
Country: France
Notes: est moëlleux, s'emploie principalement pour le Sib, et dans le piano. Il peut aussi servir au La#.
Year: 1829
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: wal.02
Author: Walckiers, Eugène
Country: France
Notes: Sert au La# entre deux Si
Year: 1829
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: wal.01
Author: Walckiers, Eugène
Country: France
Year: 1829
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: wei.03
Author: Weiss, Charles N
Country: England
Notes: This is better than No.1 (Bb2'wei.01') when required to be held out.
Year: 1829
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: wei.02
Author: Weiss, Charles N
Country: England
Notes: This is to be taken as a sensible Note altered, Ex...
Year: 1829
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: wei.01
Author: Weiss, Charles N
Country: England
Year: 1829
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: whe
Author: Wheatstone,
Country: England
Year: 1800
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO
Numeration: Wra01
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1793
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: wra10.03
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1825
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: wra10.01
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1825
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: wra10.02
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1825
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO
Numeration: wra03
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1795
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO
Numeration: wra02
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1795
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: wra04.01
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1798
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: wra04.02
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1798
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO
Numeration: wra04
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1798
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: wra05.03
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1806
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: wra05.01
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1806
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: wra05.02
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1806
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: wra06.03
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1809
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: wra06.01
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1809
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: wra06.02
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1809
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: wra07.03
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1817
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: wra07.01
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1817
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: wra07.02
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1817
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: wra08.03
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1818
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: wra08.01
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1818
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: wra08.02
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1818
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: wra09.02
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1818
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: wra09.01
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1818
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: wra09.02
Author: Wragg, J.
Country: England
Year: 1818
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO
Numeration: wun.01
Author: Wunderlich, Johann
Country: France
Year: 1812
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: wun.02 (A#)
Author: Wunderlich, Johann
Country: France
Year: 1812
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO
Numeration: dev08.20 (Bb)
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Notes: -
Year: 1813?
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: dev08.10 (A#)
Author: Devienne, François
Country: France
Notes: -
Year: 1813?
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO
Numeration: sey.01 (A#)
Author: Seydler, Philip
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Year: 181.?
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: sey.02
Author: Seydler, Philip
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Year: 181.?
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: sey.03
Author: Seydler, Philip
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Year: 181.?
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: ber04.03
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: Le Nr. 1 est celui qu'on emploie le plus ordinairement. Le Nr. 3 s'emploie avec avantage pour le Cantabile ou les passages P lorsqu'on joue le ton de MI bémol.
Year: 1836
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: ber04.02
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Year: 1836
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: ber04.01
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: France
Notes: Le Nr. 1 est celui qu'on emploie le plus ordinairement. Le Nr. 3 s'emploie avec avantage pour le Cantabile ou les passages P lorsqu'on joue le ton de MI bémol.
Year: 1836
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: beren02.02
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: England
Notes: -
Year: 1838
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: beren02.01
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: England
Notes: -
Year: 1838
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: beren02.03
Author: Berbiguier, Antoine Benoît Tranquille
Country: England
Notes: -
Year: 1838
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO
Numeration: rib.01
Author: Ribock, Justus Johannes Heinrich
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Year: 1782
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: rib.02
Author: Ribock, Justus Johannes Heinrich
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Year: 1782
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: OXX/XXX/o
Numeration: rib.03
Author: Ribock, Justus Johannes Heinrich
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Year: 1782
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXX/XXX/o
Numeration: rib.04
Author: Ribock, Justus Johannes Heinrich
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Year: 1782
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: mar
Author: Marangoni
Country: Italy
Notes: -
Year: 1829
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: Für00.03
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Notes: sehr im Adagio zu empfehlen, besser (Bb)
Year: 1824
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: Für00.01
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Year: 1824
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: Für00.02
Author: Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard
Country: Germany
Notes: besser
Year: 1824
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: zie.01
Author: Ziegler, Johann
Country: Austria
Year: 1850
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: zie.02
Author: Ziegler, Johann
Country: Austria
Year: 1850
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: bow
Author: Bown, George Washington
Country: England
Notes: -
Year: 1825
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: sch.02
Author: Scholl, Carl
Country: Austria
Notes: -
Year: 1823
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: sch.01
Author: Scholl, Carl
Country: Austria
Notes: -
Year: 1823
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO/o
Numeration: sch.03
Author: Scholl, Carl
Country: Austria
Notes: -
Year: 1823
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: arn
Author: Arnold, Samuel
Country: England
Notes: -
Year: 1787
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: cah
Author: Cahusac, William Maurice
Country: England
Notes: -
Year: 1765 c
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO
Numeration: oel.01
Author: Oelschig, C.
Country: Germany
Notes: Die Dis Klappe kann zu den meisten Tönen genommen werden wodurch nicht allein viele derselben klangvoller werden, sondern woraus auch der Vortheil einer bessern Haltung der Flöte überhaupt entsteht.
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XOX/OOO
Numeration: oel.02
Author: Oelschig, C.
Country: Germany
Notes: A#
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: oel.03
Author: Oelschig, C.
Country: Germany
Notes: Bb
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: boe
Author: Boehm & Greve
Country: Germany
Notes: -
Year: 1830
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXO/XXX/o
Numeration: fah02.02
Author: Fahrbach, Joseph
Country: Austria
Year: 1835
Note: A#/Bb 2
Fingering: XXoO/OOO/o
Numeration: fah02.01
Author: Fahrbach, Joseph
Country: Austria
Year: 1835